Nurse Residency Program
What is a Nurse Residency Program?
- Nurse residency programs (NRP) assist and support new-to-practice nurses transitioning from the role of student to professional nurse.
- NRPs increase new nurse's confidence, competence, clinical decision-making skills, and retention.
- NRPs are a year-long program that consists of hands on learning experiences with support and mentorship from Nursing Professional Development Specialists.

Maryland Nurse Residency Collaborative
All member hospitals use the proprietary, standardized, 1-year NRP curriculum developed by Vizient and the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) to help new nurses transition successfully into today's highly complex healthcare environment. Learn more and check out these resources.
The Maryland Nurse Residency Collaborative launched a brand new podcast the Spring of 2023, called MNRC Connect. Their first episodes explore the origins of the MNRC with Dr. Joan Warren, the first Executive Director of this innovative organization! Listen to their episodes on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.
Through this show, the MRNC will provide information that is helpful for recruiting and retaining nurses, as well as tips for new nurses coming in to the profession. This show is meant for nurses in all professions, from bedside, to education, to research, to academia, to leadership.
Start listening today!

Maryland nursing leaders continue to face severe workforce shortages and new-to-practice nurses are a growing presence. New-to-practice nurses enter the workforce with significant training gaps especially in our current post-pandemic environment. Supporting growth in competence, confidence and professionalism is critical in keeping this nursing demographic in Maryland organizations and in the profession. The Maryland Organization of Nurse Leaders, Inc., Maryland Nurse Residency Collaborative, offers support for the implementation of a standard residency curriculum available for any nurse resident hired to member hospitals. Also, this organization leverages relationships with our academic partners and nursing thought leaders across the state and nation to retain and develop new nurses.
Dr. Jennifer Zipp, Executive Director Maryland Organization of Nurse Leaders / Nurse Residency Collaborative (MONL, Inc./MNRC)

As a nurse educator who also still practices at the bedside, a nurse residency program is a great program that supports new nurses' transition into the nursing profession. This type of program helps new nurses improve their clinical skills to become competent nurses. I wish they had this type of program when I was a new graduate nurse.
Teena Milligan, Assistant Professor of Nursing